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News Update September 2007

R-Soul's US tour now confirmed - Starts at Shea Stadium in February.


News update March 2007

Dhalsim and Chun-Li win five Brit Awards between them - congratulations to these superb artists


News Update March 2007

WANK Records A&R team now working in Nigeria

Click here for details of our Nigerian artists


R-Soul takes it to the masses

He's hot, and he's on top. R-Soul's new album Take it Up Me has been both a commericial and critical success. The new single It Stings 2 Take It is released on November 8th.

R-Soul - new album available March 8th

Chun-Li spins on it

After a ten-year absence from the scene, Chun-Li returns, and this time he's angry. The 2007 release Spinning Bird Kick is riding high in the genre chart. Check it out before he vanishes again.

Chun-Li - he's back and he's angry

Dhalsim's Yoga Fire

Dhalsim's rapping style is based on Yoga. He can also read minds, sense evil, suspend himself in midair, and travel bodily through the Astral plane in a form of teleportation.

Dhalsim - mysterious